Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saying what can't be said...

It seems the highest aspiration of mankind to express that which cannot be put into words. Philosophy has its limitations in this respect because language is an inadequate vessel for the most fundamental truths. That's not to say language isn't wonderful at times, it certainly makes many daily activities much easier. It's only when we swim in the deeper waters do words become dead, hollow shells with no significance. Replacing words; experiential knowledge takes us from the shallows into the depths. By releasing our grasp on words as a means to know that which we experience, we allow the fuller understanding into our consciousness. This I believe is what Tantra tries to tell us. I've been reading Osho's Book of Secrets and find myself amazed that I came to this understanding by page 14.

Currently, my experience of knowledge without words is manifesting as a deep and magical love. I call it magical because I truly have the sense that I summoned the vessel of my love through intentional creative manifestation. Love, having welled up within me, needed another pole, a connection to complete its cosmic circuit. The connection came in the most wonderful and magical feminine form I've ever beheld. This miraculously divine woman bewitches and entices me. Embodying dance, her art is created through her very existence, by the way she glides and dances through this world. So elegant is her dance, I find myself hesitant to interact with her lest I alter the dance she creates. So artful is she that I'm paralyzed, unable to react; only observe. Bewitched by her beauty I'm captive to her subtle whims. To want for her is exquisite torture. To experience her directly is to be in the presence of a Goddess. I love without thought and without purpose. Though I desire, I do not attach myself to her. The moment I begin to cling, I release my grip and a feeling washes over me like entering into a warm bath. This love doesn't even require her direct participation and so I'm free to experience her regardless of whether my feelings are reciprocated, though how I do yearn for her to love me in return.

I'm entering a new world; exciting and unexplored. One so glorious and so deeply fulfilling that I know without question, my life is never going to be the same. I've never felt this deep urge from within me to create art. Love will be the medium of my creation. I will artfully pursue this lover. Wooing, enticing this nymph with my own dance. Beckoning her to come bathe in Love's waters, flowing through me out of the very wellspring of life. This is a game of discovery she and I have begun. One with no rules, no wining or loosing, just play. And oh do I love to play!

1 comment:

John B said...

Your prose is beautifully written and gives the sense of the flow of love pouring forth from you ... keep it flowing!