Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More misadventures in the status quo...

Why is it that as a socitey we, when the things we love (i.e songs, books, movies...etc) become popular, tend not only to loose interest in them but go so far as to take offense. I can't remember all the people that have sobbed to me that they used to love something but now that it's pop or mainstream, they don't. As if to say that by jumping on the proverbial bandwagon those other people have somehow stolen something that was precious to them. I've never understood that.

Also when an artist becomes popular, it is often said that they've sold out. This is an aspect of our culture I find fundementaly insane. By doing this we are saying to ourselves "I will only allow beauty into my life so long as no one else sees it". And we wonder why we feel so alone. As for me, when I find a song I like, I will listen to it over and over again. So much that I totally wear it out much to the shigrin of those around me.

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