Monday, December 29, 2008

Mission Statement- Mapping the path to reality...

I've started this blog with the intention of it acting as the foundation for a future work; possibly a book or movie. I am embarking on what I hope will be a collaborative effort to reveal the most fundemental nature of the universe and describe it in such a way that will serve as a beacon for those seeking a way out of the illusory world of separation. I feel it's important to preface this effort by stating that my reason for writting is that I feel that by doing so, I am acting most harmoniously with my current state of being and not from a desire to "fix" anything or anyone. I see the universe when looked at in its most fundemental sense, as always functioning in perfect harmony with itself. By serving as a guide, I am merely doing what it is in my nature to do and I ascribe no greater fundemental purpose to my actions.

1 comment:

Soul_Seeker1978 said...

I forgot to mention that much of what I'm writing uses ideas first introduced to me by others. I'm not going to use citations because it is just too time consuming. I will say that Alan Watts has been an enormous influence on me as well as Eckhart Tolle.